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Your diet has an impact on your kidney health particularly if you have renal disease. your kidney carries out numerous crucial functions, for instance they Assist manage your blood pressure and balance the fluid content in your body. Additionally your kidneys cleanse your bloood of minerals and protein.As a result of your kidneys ineffective blood filtration, your body accumulates protein and minerals. According to medicalnews and healthline, here are 5 foods that slowly damage your kidney. 1.SALT A high-sodium meal will affect the sodium balance in the body, reducing kidney function and decreasing water sxcretion, raising blood pressure.The kidneys are strained as a result which may cause kidney disease. Additionally it has been demonstrated that a high salt intake raises the level of protein in the urine, a significant risk factor for a detrioration in kidney function. A high salt intake may accelerate renal disease progression in patients who already have kidney issues.According to growing body of research the centers for disease control and prevention estimate that processed foods and resturant meals account for 75% of peoples daily salt intake. 2.SODAS The American kidney fund reports that a recent study indicates that consuming that consuming two or more carbonated sodas per day, whether a regular diet or not may raise your chance of developing chronic kidney disease. Energy drinks and carbonated beverages both contribute to kidney stone development. 3.RED MEAT AND DIARY PRODUCTS Because animal proteins can be particularly difficult to process, eating a lot of redmeat and diary products can harm your kidneys. the kidneys are overworked as a result of strugling to get the body rid of body waste. A high protein diet could aggrevate renal issues already present. Additionally research shows that switching to a plant based diet from animal based meals has numerous health benefits colourful meals can ward off chronic illness. 4.CAFFINE your kidneys can also be put under stress by the caffine present in foods, beverages,tea,coffee,and soda. As a stimulant, caffine can raise blood pressure, increase blood flow and put extra strain on the kidneys. excessive coffee consumption causes kidney stones. 5.BUTTER Because of the presence of saturated fat in butter it can also raise your chances of developing heart disease according to the national renal foundation, kidney illness and heart diseases are both substantialrisk factors for one another. if you can reduce the consumption of saturated fat then that will also reduce your risk of renal and heart diseases.


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