Your diet has an impact on your kidney health particularly if you have renal disease. your kidney carries out numerous crucial functions, for instance they Assist manage your blood pressure and balance the fluid content in your body. Additionally your kidneys cleanse your bloood of minerals and protein.As a result of your kidneys ineffective blood filtration, your body accumulates protein and minerals. According to medicalnews and healthline, here are 5 foods that slowly damage your kidney. 1.SALT A high-sodium meal will affect the sodium balance in the body, reducing kidney function and decreasing water sxcretion, raising blood pressure.The kidneys are strained as a result which may cause kidney disease. Additionally it has been demonstrated that a high salt intake raises the level of protein in the urine, a significant risk factor for a detrioration in kidney function. A high salt intake may accelerate renal disease progression in patients who already have kidney issues.According...
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